Monday, January 26, 2009

Examine Your Heart

by Monica Hernandez

Yesterday, I visited a church in the city’s East end for the first time and had a memorable experience. The pastor gave a special welcome to people visiting from other churches, and announced that it was Communion Sunday, and visitors were welcome to partake of the Lord’s Supper as long as they knew Jesus. His admonition was: “Examine your heart...” and went on to explain.

His points for examination of the heart were: “Do you know Jesus? What does Jesus mean to you? Is He living in your heart? Is He your all-in-all? Is He leading your life? Are you walking in and with Him? Do you regard Him as the second Person of the Holy Trinity? Do you regard Him as the Son of God? In short, is He your Lord and Saviour?”

He continued: “If you can answer all these questions in an affirmative way, you can partake of these Communion emblems, whether you belong to this church or another Christian church." And he further commented: "There is only one Church, with our Lord, Jesus Christ as the Head, but several denominations within it.”

I felt touched. I was much impressed with the pastor’s words and reflected on the times several years ago, when I held church and did the Communion service. I simply spoke a word of blessing upon the bread and wine and had them distributed to the congregation. I hadn’t given that extra focus on a relationship with Jesus.

This pastor’s words prompted me to a deeper appreciation of the oneness of the Lord’s church, which is all about Jesus – who He was, is and forever will be, what He did, and the abundant life He came to bring.

I remembered Jesus' words to His disciples at the Last Supper: “...this do in remembrance of me.” and what better way to remember Him than to remember the things He did and said as recorded, and remember that He is always with us?

Are you worthy of partaking of the Lord’s Supper at any church, if allowed by that church? It is a relationship with the Head of the Church that matters. Examine your heart and if you are walking “in and with Christ” you are worthy to sup with Him.

Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:24-28.

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