Written by Monica Hernandez on July 8, 2009
I feel I know how Moses felt when he went with his brother, Aaron, before the Lord, pleading for water for the children of Israel. I can sense his anger and frustration in looking after a bunch of stiffnecked people, who were complaining all the time. This was not the first time Moses had to go to the Lord on behalf of the people, but this time he was distraught.
And the Lord commanded Moses to “speak unto the rock before the eyes of the people” (Numbers 20:8), but in disobedience, Moses smote the rock instead. He was angry and he showed it.
In our everyday language today, we would say: “Moses lost it...” However, the water came out of the rock abundantly and the people and their beasts drank.
Today, in our search for meaning, let us consider what that incident tells us and how we can apply its message to our lives at this time.
This Old Covenant account of water flowing from a rock reminds us of times when God comes through for us out of rock-like situations, for example, financial troubles, family discord and times of confusion, indecision and pain.
However, we note that the Lord did not tell Moses what to say to the rock. He only said: “Speak unto the rock and it shall give forth his water...” Could it be that the Lord meant: the same thing you say to me, tell it to the rock?
Are there rock-like situations in your life? The presence and power of God lie within every rock-like issue that you are facing and when you speak God’s truth to those situations, you confirm to yourself that His presence and providence are there.
There is creative power in the spoken word for the Scriptures tell us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue...” What words are you speaking into your life?
Words are powerful because they are expressions of the heart. And when the heart is attuned to God and the bounties of His kingdom, the words that we speak will be capsules and confirmation for God's creative power.
And when you are attuned to the Spirit of God, as you examine the thoughts you hold in your heart concerning your affairs, it will make you more accountable to the truth of God’s providence. It will help you consider that if God can cause water to flow abundantly out of a rock, would He not cause His presence to flow abundantly as “waters of life” into your rock-like affairs and transform them?
Speak to the rock-like situations in your life telling them that God is faithful and true to change their course and deliver you out of them.
May God bless you as you speak His providence into your life, never doubting His goodness and power.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: The Scriptures tell us that “there is life and death in the power of the tongue.”
PRAYER: “God's Word quickens me and opens a way for me where there seems to be no way, and I thank God for His Word active in my spirit, soul, body and affairs. Amen.”
Ask about the workbook "Breaking Through the Barriers" which can be a helpful resource to you in overcoming instability, fear, worry and anxiety, guilt, depressed moods, emotional hurts and much more. To get more information on this book, send an email to monica@newvisionministry.org.
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life. Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
No Turning Back...
Written by Monica Hernandez on July 1, 2009
Last Sunday, at church, we sang the chorus “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back...” and it was a rousing start for the service. And though that was not the only chorus we sang, that one about “no turning back” stayed with me for a long time.
Did you ever notice that some of these choruses have a way of touching our emotions differently to the way the older hymns do? I love the old hymns like “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and “Blessed Assurance” and others like that. When we sing those songs they transport us to a certain mood or atmosphere of worship that cannot be denied, yet when we sing the choruses, they do their own work by putting us into a more zesty mood for the Lord - a mood more for vigilance, more spiritual motivation and feelings like that.
And after we sang and I sat listening to the sermon, “No Turning Back” stayed with me even till after church and it moved my mind into many places. It took me to the Old Testament story of Lot and his wife, fleeing cities about to be destroyed and Lot’s wife looked back. The Bible says she looked back from behind Lot and turned into a pillar of salt. I believe that story holds some principles for us in a practical way - more than just an Old Testament account of something that happened.
Today, being led out of the bondage of what the world offers, we could very well be in the position of Lot’s wife if we look back and yield to the temptations we are leaving behind, because of its appealing sights and sounds or because of a memory that is enticing and overwhelming. The sights and sounds seem fresh in memory and we might long to experience those memories again.
What can we do about that? We can deal with those thoughts and feelings by renouncing them, casting down those imaginations that seek to exalt themselves (2 Corinthians 10:5.
I thought too about the children of Israel in the wilderness, regretting that they had left Egypt where there were many good things to eat, despite the fact they would have been in bondage to a harsh taskmaster. And I wondered about us singing “No Turning Back” in such in a zesty way - how many of us really gave thought and commitment to what we were singing?
Once you have given your life to Christ and He begins leading you in His way, is there something worthwhile to turn back to? In the world with all its appeal, is it worth it to turn back to what goes on there? The truth is that there is nothing worhwhile. Why turn back and have to face the bondage, troubles and deceit of this world alone?
It is true we yet live in the world, and though our Master said: “I am in the world but not of it; I have overcome the world,” we cannot say that to a full extent - not to the extent Jesus could say it, but the beauty of it all is that “in Christ” we can say the same thing - only in Him. In company with Him and through Him, and not wanting to turn back to what this world offers, we could say that we are overcomers, till our Father’s plan is fulfilled and it becomes an actuality.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: On my spiritual journey, my motto shall be: “Ever forward, never backward.”
PRAYER: “Dear Lord, help me to keep my gaze on you, following wherever you may lead me. Amen.”
Ask about the workbook "Breaking Through the Barriers" which can be a helpful resource to you in overcoming instability, fear, worry and anxiety, guilt, depressed moods, emotional hurts and much more. To get more information on this book, send an email to monica@newvisionministry.org.
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life. Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org.
Last Sunday, at church, we sang the chorus “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back...” and it was a rousing start for the service. And though that was not the only chorus we sang, that one about “no turning back” stayed with me for a long time.
Did you ever notice that some of these choruses have a way of touching our emotions differently to the way the older hymns do? I love the old hymns like “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and “Blessed Assurance” and others like that. When we sing those songs they transport us to a certain mood or atmosphere of worship that cannot be denied, yet when we sing the choruses, they do their own work by putting us into a more zesty mood for the Lord - a mood more for vigilance, more spiritual motivation and feelings like that.
And after we sang and I sat listening to the sermon, “No Turning Back” stayed with me even till after church and it moved my mind into many places. It took me to the Old Testament story of Lot and his wife, fleeing cities about to be destroyed and Lot’s wife looked back. The Bible says she looked back from behind Lot and turned into a pillar of salt. I believe that story holds some principles for us in a practical way - more than just an Old Testament account of something that happened.
Today, being led out of the bondage of what the world offers, we could very well be in the position of Lot’s wife if we look back and yield to the temptations we are leaving behind, because of its appealing sights and sounds or because of a memory that is enticing and overwhelming. The sights and sounds seem fresh in memory and we might long to experience those memories again.
What can we do about that? We can deal with those thoughts and feelings by renouncing them, casting down those imaginations that seek to exalt themselves (2 Corinthians 10:5.
I thought too about the children of Israel in the wilderness, regretting that they had left Egypt where there were many good things to eat, despite the fact they would have been in bondage to a harsh taskmaster. And I wondered about us singing “No Turning Back” in such in a zesty way - how many of us really gave thought and commitment to what we were singing?
Once you have given your life to Christ and He begins leading you in His way, is there something worthwhile to turn back to? In the world with all its appeal, is it worth it to turn back to what goes on there? The truth is that there is nothing worhwhile. Why turn back and have to face the bondage, troubles and deceit of this world alone?
It is true we yet live in the world, and though our Master said: “I am in the world but not of it; I have overcome the world,” we cannot say that to a full extent - not to the extent Jesus could say it, but the beauty of it all is that “in Christ” we can say the same thing - only in Him. In company with Him and through Him, and not wanting to turn back to what this world offers, we could say that we are overcomers, till our Father’s plan is fulfilled and it becomes an actuality.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: On my spiritual journey, my motto shall be: “Ever forward, never backward.”
PRAYER: “Dear Lord, help me to keep my gaze on you, following wherever you may lead me. Amen.”
Ask about the workbook "Breaking Through the Barriers" which can be a helpful resource to you in overcoming instability, fear, worry and anxiety, guilt, depressed moods, emotional hurts and much more. To get more information on this book, send an email to monica@newvisionministry.org.
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life. Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Create A Life Worth Living
Written by Monica Hernandez on June 25, 2009
Today we mourn the loss of two icons in the entertainment industry: Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, who was preparing for a comeback on stage after a long sabbatical.
And I received an email from a dear friend who wanted me to shed some light on the realities of life and death. He wrote: “...we are told to plan for our future, but here is something difficult for me to understand; why should we suddenly pass away even in the midst of our dreams and goals for our future? Doesn’t God understand? Why does He not allow us to complete our plans and be able to enjoy what we envision?”
The truth is that we do not have any control over the length of our days on planet earth, yet we do have some degree of control over the choices we make in our daily living. Though we are never sure how our plans may turn out, yet we need to make them and work towards making our dreams come true. Other than that, we would be like feathers in a storm and that is no good for us. This is one of the realities of life.
And though we do not have all the answers to the sudden passing away of people we love and admire, and others too, yet it helps us to reflect on our own lives and celebrate who we are and what we can do to be a living example of good in this life.
Further, it helps to point our thoughts to our Creator, and look at ourselves and consider how we can make our lives worthwhile to Him and His Kingdom, the world at large, our family, friends and our generation, and trust God to bring it to pass.
What are your thoughts on this? I invite your comments...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I vow to make my life worth living.
PRAYER: “Dear God, help me to discern your will for my life and help me to follow through. Amen.”
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.
Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org Telephone: 416-744-9745.
Today we mourn the loss of two icons in the entertainment industry: Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, who was preparing for a comeback on stage after a long sabbatical.
And I received an email from a dear friend who wanted me to shed some light on the realities of life and death. He wrote: “...we are told to plan for our future, but here is something difficult for me to understand; why should we suddenly pass away even in the midst of our dreams and goals for our future? Doesn’t God understand? Why does He not allow us to complete our plans and be able to enjoy what we envision?”
The truth is that we do not have any control over the length of our days on planet earth, yet we do have some degree of control over the choices we make in our daily living. Though we are never sure how our plans may turn out, yet we need to make them and work towards making our dreams come true. Other than that, we would be like feathers in a storm and that is no good for us. This is one of the realities of life.
And though we do not have all the answers to the sudden passing away of people we love and admire, and others too, yet it helps us to reflect on our own lives and celebrate who we are and what we can do to be a living example of good in this life.
Further, it helps to point our thoughts to our Creator, and look at ourselves and consider how we can make our lives worthwhile to Him and His Kingdom, the world at large, our family, friends and our generation, and trust God to bring it to pass.
What are your thoughts on this? I invite your comments...
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I vow to make my life worth living.
PRAYER: “Dear God, help me to discern your will for my life and help me to follow through. Amen.”
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.
Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org Telephone: 416-744-9745.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Lessons From Samson and Delilah - Rule Your Spirit
Written by Monica Hernandez on June 18, 2009
At Proverbs 16:32, the Scriptures tell us that “he that rules his spirit is better than he that takes a city.” This speaks of discipline or self-control, which is a fruitage of the Spirit, and is a quality we all need to build. And as we carefully examine this matter, we see that ruling our spirit involves knowing what is priority and having the discipline to execute it.
Yet, truthfully, we cannot build discipline in our lives all by our selves but God can help by accomplishing it in us, if we ask Him and follow through on His directions.
Consider Samson. It is clear that concerning his relationship with Delilah, Samson was not thinking of consequences. Sadly, he lacked discipline. Just so, in many instances of our lives, we too, lack discipline. And in contemplating this story, it is wise that we consider challenging circumstances in our lives and consequences for our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviour.
What can we learn from Samson’s lack of self-control? In this life we often encounter Delilah-like people who present themselves to us in various ways and one of them is to distract us from doing what is right. They try to lure us away from our good intentions in various ways and for just as many reasons. Those Delilah characteristics cause us to lose our focus and give up our most treasured possession: our position as believers and followers of Christ.
How can we build self-control? Is this easy to do by ourselves? In Samson’s moments of need, he knew he could not muster up strength on his own and also knew it was wise to ask God for it. Just the same, God would have helped him gain self-control if he had considered it a priority and earnestly asked for wisdom, discernment and self-control in his life, long before his tragedy struck.
Is there something you know you ought to be doing in your life? Is there some direction you know you ought to be following? Is there some special gift or anointing God has placed in your life? Are you ruling your spirit and nurturing that anointing or are you like Samson, not ruling his spirit, and not being a good steward of what God had blessed him with? As you contemplate these questions, prayerfully ask the Spirit of God to guide and counsel you.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When we discipline ourselves and nurture God's anointing on our lives, He rewards us for our faithfulness (Luke 19:17).
PRAYER: "Lord, grant me the discernment to know what is right and the strength to do it. Help me Lord, to cultivate discipline in all areas of my life. Amen."
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.
Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org
At Proverbs 16:32, the Scriptures tell us that “he that rules his spirit is better than he that takes a city.” This speaks of discipline or self-control, which is a fruitage of the Spirit, and is a quality we all need to build. And as we carefully examine this matter, we see that ruling our spirit involves knowing what is priority and having the discipline to execute it.
Yet, truthfully, we cannot build discipline in our lives all by our selves but God can help by accomplishing it in us, if we ask Him and follow through on His directions.
Consider Samson. It is clear that concerning his relationship with Delilah, Samson was not thinking of consequences. Sadly, he lacked discipline. Just so, in many instances of our lives, we too, lack discipline. And in contemplating this story, it is wise that we consider challenging circumstances in our lives and consequences for our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviour.
What can we learn from Samson’s lack of self-control? In this life we often encounter Delilah-like people who present themselves to us in various ways and one of them is to distract us from doing what is right. They try to lure us away from our good intentions in various ways and for just as many reasons. Those Delilah characteristics cause us to lose our focus and give up our most treasured possession: our position as believers and followers of Christ.
How can we build self-control? Is this easy to do by ourselves? In Samson’s moments of need, he knew he could not muster up strength on his own and also knew it was wise to ask God for it. Just the same, God would have helped him gain self-control if he had considered it a priority and earnestly asked for wisdom, discernment and self-control in his life, long before his tragedy struck.
Is there something you know you ought to be doing in your life? Is there some direction you know you ought to be following? Is there some special gift or anointing God has placed in your life? Are you ruling your spirit and nurturing that anointing or are you like Samson, not ruling his spirit, and not being a good steward of what God had blessed him with? As you contemplate these questions, prayerfully ask the Spirit of God to guide and counsel you.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When we discipline ourselves and nurture God's anointing on our lives, He rewards us for our faithfulness (Luke 19:17).
PRAYER: "Lord, grant me the discernment to know what is right and the strength to do it. Help me Lord, to cultivate discipline in all areas of my life. Amen."
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.
Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Lessons From Samson and Delilah - Samson’s Prayer
Written by Monica Hernandez on June 11, 2009
Samson prayed a remarkable prayer. In the midst of his trials, he called unto the Lord and said: “O Lord God, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once...” (Judges 16:28).
Samson knew that God was the Source of his great strength and knew the secret of its sustenance. He also knew he could not erase that unguarded moment when he lost his anointing to Delilah’s questioning, but he knew that he could make up for his mistake by humbly calling on God to “remember him” in a time when he wished to demonstrate his strength again.
God was faithful and honoured Samson's prayer.
Does God ever forget His children? There are times when we think God has forgotten us, be it about our skills and talents, prosperity, healing or just His presence, but He never forgets us and is always near us, awaiting our recognition. What we might call God’s forgetfulness is our forgetfulness of who God is and what He can do. Sometimes, too, we are the ones who forfeit His blessings through carelessness and taking His gifts for granted. When in trouble and distress, if only we would reach out to Him in earnest prayer, He will make His presence known. Remember that He is faithful and His mercies are new every morning
In essence, Samson was saying: “O Lord, bless me again...let me feel your presence in my weakness one more time...”
Are you now going through a time when you think God has forgotten you? Truly, though you are sensing a lack of His presence, He has not forgotten you. However, when like Samson, you earnestly call on Him, He will again manifest His presence in ways you might hardly imagine today.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When we earnestly seek God, He re-visits his gifts. God can restore to me whatever gifts I seem to have lost.
PRAYER: “Heavenly Father, remember me with every spiritual gift You have given me in times
past. Restore them unto me, I pray. In Jesus' name I ask it. Amen.”
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org
Samson prayed a remarkable prayer. In the midst of his trials, he called unto the Lord and said: “O Lord God, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once...” (Judges 16:28).
Samson knew that God was the Source of his great strength and knew the secret of its sustenance. He also knew he could not erase that unguarded moment when he lost his anointing to Delilah’s questioning, but he knew that he could make up for his mistake by humbly calling on God to “remember him” in a time when he wished to demonstrate his strength again.
God was faithful and honoured Samson's prayer.
Does God ever forget His children? There are times when we think God has forgotten us, be it about our skills and talents, prosperity, healing or just His presence, but He never forgets us and is always near us, awaiting our recognition. What we might call God’s forgetfulness is our forgetfulness of who God is and what He can do. Sometimes, too, we are the ones who forfeit His blessings through carelessness and taking His gifts for granted. When in trouble and distress, if only we would reach out to Him in earnest prayer, He will make His presence known. Remember that He is faithful and His mercies are new every morning
In essence, Samson was saying: “O Lord, bless me again...let me feel your presence in my weakness one more time...”
Are you now going through a time when you think God has forgotten you? Truly, though you are sensing a lack of His presence, He has not forgotten you. However, when like Samson, you earnestly call on Him, He will again manifest His presence in ways you might hardly imagine today.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When we earnestly seek God, He re-visits his gifts. God can restore to me whatever gifts I seem to have lost.
PRAYER: “Heavenly Father, remember me with every spiritual gift You have given me in times
past. Restore them unto me, I pray. In Jesus' name I ask it. Amen.”
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Lessons From Samson and Delilah - Samson's Plight
Written by Monica Hernandez on June 4, 2009
I must apologize for not keeping my postings up to date in the past few weeks. Part of it is that I was away from late March to April in sunny Trinidad in the Caribbean, and since I came back, I find myself being bombarded by several distractions and obligations that got the better of me. However, here I am today with some lessons I have learned from the story of Samson and Delilah.
Some time ago, I did an in-depth study of the principles within that story and gained some insights about them, which I will share with you, my readers, in the weeks to come. I feel sure you know the story, and even if you don’t, you can read all about it in the Book of Judges, chapter 16.
Samson was a man of great physical strength given to him by God to defeat the Philistines but he lost it by giving in to pressure from Delilah to tell her the secret of his strength and what would deplete it. Delilah was persistent, and in a weak moment, Samson gave in to her pressure. He revealed the secret of his strength and Delilah won the battle. She told Samson's secret to her people, and Samson was captured and made a prisoner to the Philistines.
Samson knew his great strength was a gift from God but he took it for granted and failed to protect it from the people he was supposed to defeat. When he yielded to Delilah's questioning he lost not only his strength but also his eyes and was enslaved by the Philistines. The issue here is that Samson was "sleeping with the enemy" and paid a terrible price for that. And something similar is relevant to each of us today.
We see that Samson had great physical strength against the enemy but no moralistic strength. Instead, he was a victim of sensual weakness which caused him to compromise God's gift to him. When he needed his strength most he discovered that "the Lord was departed from him." The Bible says: "And he awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him" (Judges 16:20). What a tragedy!
In this life we will always meet Delilahs in various disguises: people who openly fraternize with us but are inwardly against us. Often, they pressure us with ideas that are not right for us and the means of the pressure are always subtle. And our yielding to pressures from people whose ideas are not right for us will always cause us to take our minds off God and into spiritual blindness, bondage and destruction.
The characteristics of Delilah present themselves to us in various ways and one of them is to distract us from what is right by preying on our weakness. Those Delilah characteristics cause us to lose our focus and give up our most treasured possession: our strength and position as a child of God.
In this story, Delilah represents anyone or anything we allow into our lives that would usurp the anointing and gifts that God has bestowed upon us. Samson sacrificed his ideals, and thus sacrificed his gift of unusual strength. The same thing will happen to anyone today who fails to give proper attention to God's gifts in their lives.
Can you imagine how Samson felt when he discovered he was deceived by Delilah? Can you imagine how he felt when he realized that his strength was not there when he needed it most? Can you imagine how he felt, realizing that the moment of his folly could not be re-captured and erased?
What can we learn from Samson's plight? We can learn not to fraternize with people and circumstances that are not right for us. We can learn not to compromise who we truly are but guard the anointing and gifts God has blessed us with. We can learn not to let enemy forces win.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: In this life we are to guard the anointing that God places in our lives.
“Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gifts you have placed in my life. Help me to keep them and use them for your glory and your Kingdom. Amen.”
— Monica
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.
Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org
I must apologize for not keeping my postings up to date in the past few weeks. Part of it is that I was away from late March to April in sunny Trinidad in the Caribbean, and since I came back, I find myself being bombarded by several distractions and obligations that got the better of me. However, here I am today with some lessons I have learned from the story of Samson and Delilah.
Some time ago, I did an in-depth study of the principles within that story and gained some insights about them, which I will share with you, my readers, in the weeks to come. I feel sure you know the story, and even if you don’t, you can read all about it in the Book of Judges, chapter 16.
Samson was a man of great physical strength given to him by God to defeat the Philistines but he lost it by giving in to pressure from Delilah to tell her the secret of his strength and what would deplete it. Delilah was persistent, and in a weak moment, Samson gave in to her pressure. He revealed the secret of his strength and Delilah won the battle. She told Samson's secret to her people, and Samson was captured and made a prisoner to the Philistines.
Samson knew his great strength was a gift from God but he took it for granted and failed to protect it from the people he was supposed to defeat. When he yielded to Delilah's questioning he lost not only his strength but also his eyes and was enslaved by the Philistines. The issue here is that Samson was "sleeping with the enemy" and paid a terrible price for that. And something similar is relevant to each of us today.
We see that Samson had great physical strength against the enemy but no moralistic strength. Instead, he was a victim of sensual weakness which caused him to compromise God's gift to him. When he needed his strength most he discovered that "the Lord was departed from him." The Bible says: "And he awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from him" (Judges 16:20). What a tragedy!
In this life we will always meet Delilahs in various disguises: people who openly fraternize with us but are inwardly against us. Often, they pressure us with ideas that are not right for us and the means of the pressure are always subtle. And our yielding to pressures from people whose ideas are not right for us will always cause us to take our minds off God and into spiritual blindness, bondage and destruction.
The characteristics of Delilah present themselves to us in various ways and one of them is to distract us from what is right by preying on our weakness. Those Delilah characteristics cause us to lose our focus and give up our most treasured possession: our strength and position as a child of God.
In this story, Delilah represents anyone or anything we allow into our lives that would usurp the anointing and gifts that God has bestowed upon us. Samson sacrificed his ideals, and thus sacrificed his gift of unusual strength. The same thing will happen to anyone today who fails to give proper attention to God's gifts in their lives.
Can you imagine how Samson felt when he discovered he was deceived by Delilah? Can you imagine how he felt when he realized that his strength was not there when he needed it most? Can you imagine how he felt, realizing that the moment of his folly could not be re-captured and erased?
What can we learn from Samson's plight? We can learn not to fraternize with people and circumstances that are not right for us. We can learn not to compromise who we truly are but guard the anointing and gifts God has blessed us with. We can learn not to let enemy forces win.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: In this life we are to guard the anointing that God places in our lives.
“Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gifts you have placed in my life. Help me to keep them and use them for your glory and your Kingdom. Amen.”
— Monica
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of God in your life.
Email: prayer@newvisionministry.org
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Questions You Wanted To Ask -Three
QUESTION: Is there really a heaven? And a hell?
ANSWER: We often hear that heaven and hell are right here upon this earth and that there is no other heaven or hell to be experienced. And though I do agree to some extent that heaven and hell are right here on this earth (because we do experience some reflections of both heaven and hell in our lives and affairs), I also believe there is a place or dimension in eternity called heaven, and if there is a “place” called heaven, there is also a “place” called hell.
Heaven is a place of peace, love and harmony profound, and hell is just the opposite...
The Bible teaches that:
• Heaven is a place; it is the abode of God (Psalm 103:19). It says: "The Lord hath prepared His throne in the heavens and His kingdom ruleth over all..." indicating that heaven is a place of sovereignty.
• When Jesus’disciples asked: "Lord, teach us how to pray," Jesus began His prayer with "Our Father, which art in heaven..." indicating that our Father is in a place called "heaven."
• Job 22:12 says: "Is not God in the height of heaven..." indicating God’s habitation is in the highest of the highest place in eternity.
• Revelation 4:1-5 tells us that "a door was opened in heaven"... and "a throne was set in heaven" indicating that there is a place called “heaven” where God dwells, and within His habitation there is a throne.
• 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that “if we humble ourselves and pray to God, He will hear from heaven...” and heal our circumstances.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: A citizenship in heaven is the pearl of great price; it is the greatest citizenship to possess.
(c) Monica Hernandez, Th.D.
ANSWER: We often hear that heaven and hell are right here upon this earth and that there is no other heaven or hell to be experienced. And though I do agree to some extent that heaven and hell are right here on this earth (because we do experience some reflections of both heaven and hell in our lives and affairs), I also believe there is a place or dimension in eternity called heaven, and if there is a “place” called heaven, there is also a “place” called hell.
Heaven is a place of peace, love and harmony profound, and hell is just the opposite...
The Bible teaches that:
• Heaven is a place; it is the abode of God (Psalm 103:19). It says: "The Lord hath prepared His throne in the heavens and His kingdom ruleth over all..." indicating that heaven is a place of sovereignty.
• When Jesus’disciples asked: "Lord, teach us how to pray," Jesus began His prayer with "Our Father, which art in heaven..." indicating that our Father is in a place called "heaven."
• Job 22:12 says: "Is not God in the height of heaven..." indicating God’s habitation is in the highest of the highest place in eternity.
• Revelation 4:1-5 tells us that "a door was opened in heaven"... and "a throne was set in heaven" indicating that there is a place called “heaven” where God dwells, and within His habitation there is a throne.
• 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that “if we humble ourselves and pray to God, He will hear from heaven...” and heal our circumstances.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: A citizenship in heaven is the pearl of great price; it is the greatest citizenship to possess.
(c) Monica Hernandez, Th.D.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Magnify The Good
Did you ever notice that in every happening in life there are different sides we can see? Even in adversity, there is at least one positive element (maybe hidden), and if we are discerning, we will find it. And when we find it, we can choose to magnify it by praising God. This increases our blessings.
Think. Things are never totally adverse but it is our sense of always wanting things our way that keeps us complaining about things happening in our lives, which we do not like. But when we practice seeking out the positive and magnifying it by continually thinking about it and praising God for it, we will find release.
When someone hurts our feeling or when adversity happens in our lives, we are prone to focus on more negative things that can happen, however, within every situation, never mind how adverse it seems and within every person, never mind how adverse he or she might seem, there is something good and that good is an expression of God.
When we recognize the good and magnify it, we are breaking through negative patterns of thought. We are then making life more comfortable for ourselves and others. We lose nothing but gain blessings because we would realize the truth that “all things work together for good to them that love God...” (Rom. 8:28) KJV. And that is true, even if within those pesky situations we find lessons to be learnt.
Is there something adverse taking place in your life? Take a second look at it and practice magnifying whatever is good about it. Practice magnifying the good in various parts of your life and in all people and as you grow in this practice your good will continue to expand into blessings you might hardly imagine at this time.
You magnify the good by recognizing it and praising God for it.
When adverse situations arise, you have a choice either to become frustrated, or become hopeful and trust God for the best outcome for you and all concerned. Today, make a commitment to thank God for at least the lessons learnt from your adversity.
SUGGESTED READINGS: Genesis 50:19,20; Psalm 22:3; Romans 8:28.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When I magnify the good in my life, my blessings increase.
“Dear God, help me to see your hand in every scene in my life. Amen.”
© Monica Hernandez, Th.D.
Think. Things are never totally adverse but it is our sense of always wanting things our way that keeps us complaining about things happening in our lives, which we do not like. But when we practice seeking out the positive and magnifying it by continually thinking about it and praising God for it, we will find release.
When someone hurts our feeling or when adversity happens in our lives, we are prone to focus on more negative things that can happen, however, within every situation, never mind how adverse it seems and within every person, never mind how adverse he or she might seem, there is something good and that good is an expression of God.
When we recognize the good and magnify it, we are breaking through negative patterns of thought. We are then making life more comfortable for ourselves and others. We lose nothing but gain blessings because we would realize the truth that “all things work together for good to them that love God...” (Rom. 8:28) KJV. And that is true, even if within those pesky situations we find lessons to be learnt.
Is there something adverse taking place in your life? Take a second look at it and practice magnifying whatever is good about it. Practice magnifying the good in various parts of your life and in all people and as you grow in this practice your good will continue to expand into blessings you might hardly imagine at this time.
You magnify the good by recognizing it and praising God for it.
When adverse situations arise, you have a choice either to become frustrated, or become hopeful and trust God for the best outcome for you and all concerned. Today, make a commitment to thank God for at least the lessons learnt from your adversity.
SUGGESTED READINGS: Genesis 50:19,20; Psalm 22:3; Romans 8:28.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When I magnify the good in my life, my blessings increase.
“Dear God, help me to see your hand in every scene in my life. Amen.”
© Monica Hernandez, Th.D.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Keep Your Hopes Alive
by Monica Hernandez
William Shakespeare, the famous English poet once wrote: “Cowards die a thousand times before their deaths. The valiant taste of death but once.” Let it also be said that people without hope or with a dull, weak hope die just as many times.
A life without hope is like a stagnant pool, wide open for destructive forces to come in and play, keeping such a life in bondage to failure and despair. It is an existence of cowardice, filled with fear to hope or dream, in direct contrast to the life of the valiant who live by hope and keep it alive. At 1 Cor. 9:10, we read: "For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope” The above text is saying that “when we plow (or work), it should be in hope (for its rewards)” and “when we thresh in hope we should be recipients of what we hope for.” This speaks of expectancy.
Have you been disappointed concerning your hopes and dreams? What are you hoping for? Better finances, a better employment, a marriage, better living quarters, specific changes in your life? Do you hope for your son or daughter or loved one to come off drugs or false appetites, a healing in spirit, soul or body, mending of a breach between you and others?
Oftentimes, the fear to hope or dream is the result of former dashed hopes. The very things that we had deeply hoped for had eluded us at every turn.. We might have caught a glimpse of those things we hoped for but as we reached out to grasp them, somehow they get pushed away. This experience can be very frustrating and there are few occurrences that can be compared with that.
Yet, there is hope to overcome dashed hopes.
The good news is that your hope can be rekindled and kept alive. The Scriptures tell us that hope is an anchor to the soul. And what does an anchor do? It keeps a boat or ship from moving about—keeps it steadfast. The power of God within you, your hope of glory, is an anchor that is alive and ready to keep you strong, and steadfast. It will keep you from moving hither and thither. The power of His hope within you will banish sorrow, and help you sing new songs.
At Psalm 42:5, David, the psalmist spoke to himself, asking himself why he was so sad and disquieted but immediately consoled himself with the words “...hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for his help.” The tone of this psalm reveals deep despair but David knew the remedy for that emotional sickness. He affirmed hope to his soul in a roundabout way. He knew his help would come from God, the only One who could help, and commanded his soul to hope.
How can you rekindle dashed hopes and keep them alive? The first thing to know is that life moves in cycles and seasons and your despair will not last forever. You can go to the Scriptures, find all the promises of God and feed your soul upon them, cultivating steadfastness, perseverance and a continual expectancy. Last, but not at all least, you can revisit your old dreams and goals, seeing them in your mind's eye as accomplished, with a new depth of belief.
Consider David’s thoughts in his condition: “I will yet praise Him for the help of His countenance...” David knew that praise to God for who He is and what He can do is the greatest spiritual remedy for a downcast or disappointed soul. Like David, keep that picture alive in your mind that one day “you will praise Him” for the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams. Let that become a self-fulfilled prophecy to you. As you revisit long-past dreams, do so in vivid detail and rekindle your emotions about them.
When despair tries to overwhelm you, remind yourself that the darkest hour is just before dawn and your new day will come. Cast aside fear and doubt, and never let your dream die.
A woman I know, whom we shall call Linda was married for eleven years and had hoped for a child. She had prayed much about her desire over the years. Just about the time she was twelve years married, Linda conceived and brought forth not one child but two. She was blessed with a beautiful son and daughter.
My hope for you is that you will rekindle dashed hopes and keep them alive by your focus and your prayers. And I say with Paul:“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Suggested Readings: Psalm 31:24, Psalm 33:18-19, Psalm 39:6-7, Psalm 42:5, Psalm 146:5-9, Romans 4:17-18, Hebrews 6:19.
Reflection: Hope is an anchor to my soul. Hope comforts and strengthens my soul. Hope banishes sorrow. Quietly hoping in the Lord sets me free from anxiety, disappointment and pain. My hope is in God who performs all things for me.
“Dear God, you are dealing bountifully with me in every area of my life and I thank you for your love and mercy---all is well and I give thanks. Amen.”
William Shakespeare, the famous English poet once wrote: “Cowards die a thousand times before their deaths. The valiant taste of death but once.” Let it also be said that people without hope or with a dull, weak hope die just as many times.
A life without hope is like a stagnant pool, wide open for destructive forces to come in and play, keeping such a life in bondage to failure and despair. It is an existence of cowardice, filled with fear to hope or dream, in direct contrast to the life of the valiant who live by hope and keep it alive. At 1 Cor. 9:10, we read: "For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope” The above text is saying that “when we plow (or work), it should be in hope (for its rewards)” and “when we thresh in hope we should be recipients of what we hope for.” This speaks of expectancy.
Have you been disappointed concerning your hopes and dreams? What are you hoping for? Better finances, a better employment, a marriage, better living quarters, specific changes in your life? Do you hope for your son or daughter or loved one to come off drugs or false appetites, a healing in spirit, soul or body, mending of a breach between you and others?
Oftentimes, the fear to hope or dream is the result of former dashed hopes. The very things that we had deeply hoped for had eluded us at every turn.. We might have caught a glimpse of those things we hoped for but as we reached out to grasp them, somehow they get pushed away. This experience can be very frustrating and there are few occurrences that can be compared with that.
Yet, there is hope to overcome dashed hopes.
The good news is that your hope can be rekindled and kept alive. The Scriptures tell us that hope is an anchor to the soul. And what does an anchor do? It keeps a boat or ship from moving about—keeps it steadfast. The power of God within you, your hope of glory, is an anchor that is alive and ready to keep you strong, and steadfast. It will keep you from moving hither and thither. The power of His hope within you will banish sorrow, and help you sing new songs.
At Psalm 42:5, David, the psalmist spoke to himself, asking himself why he was so sad and disquieted but immediately consoled himself with the words “...hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for his help.” The tone of this psalm reveals deep despair but David knew the remedy for that emotional sickness. He affirmed hope to his soul in a roundabout way. He knew his help would come from God, the only One who could help, and commanded his soul to hope.
How can you rekindle dashed hopes and keep them alive? The first thing to know is that life moves in cycles and seasons and your despair will not last forever. You can go to the Scriptures, find all the promises of God and feed your soul upon them, cultivating steadfastness, perseverance and a continual expectancy. Last, but not at all least, you can revisit your old dreams and goals, seeing them in your mind's eye as accomplished, with a new depth of belief.
Consider David’s thoughts in his condition: “I will yet praise Him for the help of His countenance...” David knew that praise to God for who He is and what He can do is the greatest spiritual remedy for a downcast or disappointed soul. Like David, keep that picture alive in your mind that one day “you will praise Him” for the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams. Let that become a self-fulfilled prophecy to you. As you revisit long-past dreams, do so in vivid detail and rekindle your emotions about them.
When despair tries to overwhelm you, remind yourself that the darkest hour is just before dawn and your new day will come. Cast aside fear and doubt, and never let your dream die.
A woman I know, whom we shall call Linda was married for eleven years and had hoped for a child. She had prayed much about her desire over the years. Just about the time she was twelve years married, Linda conceived and brought forth not one child but two. She was blessed with a beautiful son and daughter.
My hope for you is that you will rekindle dashed hopes and keep them alive by your focus and your prayers. And I say with Paul:“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Suggested Readings: Psalm 31:24, Psalm 33:18-19, Psalm 39:6-7, Psalm 42:5, Psalm 146:5-9, Romans 4:17-18, Hebrews 6:19.
Reflection: Hope is an anchor to my soul. Hope comforts and strengthens my soul. Hope banishes sorrow. Quietly hoping in the Lord sets me free from anxiety, disappointment and pain. My hope is in God who performs all things for me.
“Dear God, you are dealing bountifully with me in every area of my life and I thank you for your love and mercy---all is well and I give thanks. Amen.”
Monday, February 23, 2009
Questions You Wanted to Ask - Two
by Monica Hernandez
This question came while doing a study of the Apostles Creed...
What is meant by “the communion of saints?”
There is a common bond between believers in Christ whether in heaven or on earth. This term “communion of saints” refers to the brotherly communion we on earth have among ourselves and with those who have gone on before in Christ. Whether in heaven or still on earth, we are all awaiting that day of the Lord when He comes to take us up to Himself in the Rapture...we are all one family.
When we look at a gathering in a church service or any other form of Christian fellowship, we are looking at a communion of saints.
As I write about the above question today, I am reminded of an incident involving a young Portuguese woman I know, whose name is Émilia. I wish you could have seen Émilia on the day she went for her Canadian citizenship. She was excited, grateful and well-dressed for that special occasion. She had struggled to gain landed immigrant status and finally after some years, she qualified for Canadian citizenship.
On the day of her declared Canadian citizenship, Émilia said to me and some friends: "I am proud to be a Canadian..." She was also proud that her children would be educated in Canada and would grow up in this beautiful country. She also said: "Now, I feel I belong here..."
As I look back, I can see how important it was to Émilia to belong to Canada. It brings home to me the importance of the sense of belonging to someone, a family, a country, and most of all, as we are discussing here today: the household of God. We all seem to appreciate a sense of belonging-—it is part of our human nature.
This brings to mind Paul’s address to the Ephesians, (and all Christians) telling them they were no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). What does this mean? It means that each of us is an integral part of the company of heaven. We live here on earth but we belong to heaven. We have citizenship there. And as citizens, we are joint-heirs with Christ, entitled to all that heaven has to offer, particularly eternal life.
How do people gain citizenship in heaven? By receiving the resurrected life of Jesus, the anointed One, into their lives so they can have a new birth: a spiritual rebirth. When we receive Christ into our lives, our heavenly citizenship is declared.
The angels rejoice and we too, like Émilia, should feel not only a sense of belonging to the most profound company there is and ever will be: the household of God, but blessed as well.
Suggested Readings: Luke 10:20, Luke 22:30, John 14:2, Ephesians 2:13-14,19.
This question came while doing a study of the Apostles Creed...
What is meant by “the communion of saints?”
There is a common bond between believers in Christ whether in heaven or on earth. This term “communion of saints” refers to the brotherly communion we on earth have among ourselves and with those who have gone on before in Christ. Whether in heaven or still on earth, we are all awaiting that day of the Lord when He comes to take us up to Himself in the Rapture...we are all one family.
When we look at a gathering in a church service or any other form of Christian fellowship, we are looking at a communion of saints.
As I write about the above question today, I am reminded of an incident involving a young Portuguese woman I know, whose name is Émilia. I wish you could have seen Émilia on the day she went for her Canadian citizenship. She was excited, grateful and well-dressed for that special occasion. She had struggled to gain landed immigrant status and finally after some years, she qualified for Canadian citizenship.
On the day of her declared Canadian citizenship, Émilia said to me and some friends: "I am proud to be a Canadian..." She was also proud that her children would be educated in Canada and would grow up in this beautiful country. She also said: "Now, I feel I belong here..."
As I look back, I can see how important it was to Émilia to belong to Canada. It brings home to me the importance of the sense of belonging to someone, a family, a country, and most of all, as we are discussing here today: the household of God. We all seem to appreciate a sense of belonging-—it is part of our human nature.
This brings to mind Paul’s address to the Ephesians, (and all Christians) telling them they were no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). What does this mean? It means that each of us is an integral part of the company of heaven. We live here on earth but we belong to heaven. We have citizenship there. And as citizens, we are joint-heirs with Christ, entitled to all that heaven has to offer, particularly eternal life.
How do people gain citizenship in heaven? By receiving the resurrected life of Jesus, the anointed One, into their lives so they can have a new birth: a spiritual rebirth. When we receive Christ into our lives, our heavenly citizenship is declared.
The angels rejoice and we too, like Émilia, should feel not only a sense of belonging to the most profound company there is and ever will be: the household of God, but blessed as well.
Suggested Readings: Luke 10:20, Luke 22:30, John 14:2, Ephesians 2:13-14,19.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Four Finger Pianist
by Monica Hernandez
I know you will enjoy watching this inspiring, ten-minute video. It features a young Korean girl who was born with only two fingers on each hand, and her legs ended at her knees. At birth, the doctors thought this girl would not live. Yet Hee Ah lived.
As a young child, Hee Ah’s fingers were weak and her mother thought piano playing would strengthen them. It did. And Hee Ah rose to be an accomplished pianist, touring the world and charming audiences with her musical skills.
Think about it. Our God can “do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or wish for” and nothing is impossible with Him. Think also that God has blessed each of us with a particular skill or talent. It may be writing, speaking, music, or any of the arts, just waiting to be developed and put to use for His glory.
As you look into your life today, do you see a skill or talent that you can use for the glory of God, which you are allowing to lie dormant within you? God wants you to use the talents He has given you.
To watch this video about Hee Ah Lee,and listen to her piano music, scroll down this page to My Favourite Links and click on: God-given Talent - Hee Ah Lee "The Four Finger Pianist" (Video)
Enjoy. Your comments are welcome.
I know you will enjoy watching this inspiring, ten-minute video. It features a young Korean girl who was born with only two fingers on each hand, and her legs ended at her knees. At birth, the doctors thought this girl would not live. Yet Hee Ah lived.
As a young child, Hee Ah’s fingers were weak and her mother thought piano playing would strengthen them. It did. And Hee Ah rose to be an accomplished pianist, touring the world and charming audiences with her musical skills.
Think about it. Our God can “do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or wish for” and nothing is impossible with Him. Think also that God has blessed each of us with a particular skill or talent. It may be writing, speaking, music, or any of the arts, just waiting to be developed and put to use for His glory.
As you look into your life today, do you see a skill or talent that you can use for the glory of God, which you are allowing to lie dormant within you? God wants you to use the talents He has given you.
To watch this video about Hee Ah Lee,and listen to her piano music, scroll down this page to My Favourite Links and click on: God-given Talent - Hee Ah Lee "The Four Finger Pianist" (Video)
Enjoy. Your comments are welcome.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Love Is In the Air
by Monica Hernandez
Another St. Valentine’s Day is here and we will be loaded with flowers, chocolates and beautiful cards with wonderful rubrics on love. Our ears will be filled with ideas and discourses on the nature of love, the need and admonishment to love, and the words: “Be my valentine” or “I love you...”
In addition to the yuletide season, at this time of the year, it is common to think of loving and forgiving others and being loved and forgiven in return. We try to follow the popular scriptures on love, and the ones we hear most from pulpits are: “Let brotherly love continue...” and “Love thy neighbour as thyself,” also "If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well" (James 2:8, KJV).
To “do well” in loving others does not mean to be all gushy in our feelings to each other at all times. It does not mean a weak dependency on others for meaningless commingling and attention. It means to support others, spiritually and physically, as best we can. It means being kind to others and giving encouragement in its due time. It means avoiding to do harm to others whether in thought, word or deed, just as we would avoid hell.
The old adage: “Do unto others as you would be done by” still stands. We all want good happenings in our lives at all times, therefore doing good to others is the way to go.
Many times, we easily forgive others, but could never quite forgive themselves for saying or doing things that are not acceptable, and often run those negative scenarios in their minds—over and over again—setting ourselves up for more despondency and self-pity.
How are we to love our neighbours as ourselves? We cannot love others in the way we ought if we have a poor image of ourselves—if we are continually blaming ourselves and putting ourselves down. If we are to love others in a manner that is appropriate, then we would first have to love and appreciate ourselves, not in a haughty or arrogant manner, but in a manner that reflects God’s love to us.
And we can only love ourselves in an appropriate manner when we recognize that we are each created in the “image and likeness of God,” and God did not create us with values that are poor and unworthy of His good pleasure. Everything He created was deemed “good” by Him and when He created us, His masterpiece, He gave us “dominion over all the earth...”
We have all gone our own way from God but He loves us and is wooing us back to Him by His Spirit. He is willing to help us erase the effects of past mistakes if we will return to Him. When we learn to respond to God’s love in a positive way, forgiving ourselves of past shortcomings and moving forward, we are more likely to love ourselves and our neighbour who also is “created in the image and likeness of God.”.
The primary understanding must be to love and appreciate ourselves as God loves and appreciates us, then extend that love and appreciation to others as best we can.
At this time when love is in the air, in addition to sharing loving thoughts, words and actions with others, let us also have love for ourselves even as God loves us—in a sense of acceptance of who we are, forgiving ourselves of past mistakes and making better plans for our future and well-being. Remember, God is not finished with us yet!
God loves you and me just as we are and is willing to help us erase the effects of past mistakes if we will return to Him in true repentance, communion and prayer.
In the process of our spiritual growth, let us not be hard on ourselves for past shortcomings on wisdom and good judgment, but make a decision to rise up from self-criticism and condemnation. The Bible says that “there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ.”
Brotherly love begins with you and me loving ourselves as God loves us. Lift up your heart to God’s love and as you receive, share it with others as best you can, thereby expanding your horizons and increasing your good. And to the extent you are open and receptive to the love of God is the extent you are able to love others unconditionally.
Help me Lord, to accept your divine love and express that love to others in kindly thoughts, words and actions. Thank you Father.
Suggested Readings: Psalm 133:1, Isaiah 43:18-19, Matthew 22:37-40.
Ask about the workbook, “Breaking Through the Barriers” by Monica Hernandez. This book can be a helpful resource to you in overcoming fear, anger, worry and anxiety and other hurdles in your life.
Another St. Valentine’s Day is here and we will be loaded with flowers, chocolates and beautiful cards with wonderful rubrics on love. Our ears will be filled with ideas and discourses on the nature of love, the need and admonishment to love, and the words: “Be my valentine” or “I love you...”
In addition to the yuletide season, at this time of the year, it is common to think of loving and forgiving others and being loved and forgiven in return. We try to follow the popular scriptures on love, and the ones we hear most from pulpits are: “Let brotherly love continue...” and “Love thy neighbour as thyself,” also "If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well" (James 2:8, KJV).
To “do well” in loving others does not mean to be all gushy in our feelings to each other at all times. It does not mean a weak dependency on others for meaningless commingling and attention. It means to support others, spiritually and physically, as best we can. It means being kind to others and giving encouragement in its due time. It means avoiding to do harm to others whether in thought, word or deed, just as we would avoid hell.
The old adage: “Do unto others as you would be done by” still stands. We all want good happenings in our lives at all times, therefore doing good to others is the way to go.
Many times, we easily forgive others, but could never quite forgive themselves for saying or doing things that are not acceptable, and often run those negative scenarios in their minds—over and over again—setting ourselves up for more despondency and self-pity.
How are we to love our neighbours as ourselves? We cannot love others in the way we ought if we have a poor image of ourselves—if we are continually blaming ourselves and putting ourselves down. If we are to love others in a manner that is appropriate, then we would first have to love and appreciate ourselves, not in a haughty or arrogant manner, but in a manner that reflects God’s love to us.
And we can only love ourselves in an appropriate manner when we recognize that we are each created in the “image and likeness of God,” and God did not create us with values that are poor and unworthy of His good pleasure. Everything He created was deemed “good” by Him and when He created us, His masterpiece, He gave us “dominion over all the earth...”
We have all gone our own way from God but He loves us and is wooing us back to Him by His Spirit. He is willing to help us erase the effects of past mistakes if we will return to Him. When we learn to respond to God’s love in a positive way, forgiving ourselves of past shortcomings and moving forward, we are more likely to love ourselves and our neighbour who also is “created in the image and likeness of God.”.
The primary understanding must be to love and appreciate ourselves as God loves and appreciates us, then extend that love and appreciation to others as best we can.
At this time when love is in the air, in addition to sharing loving thoughts, words and actions with others, let us also have love for ourselves even as God loves us—in a sense of acceptance of who we are, forgiving ourselves of past mistakes and making better plans for our future and well-being. Remember, God is not finished with us yet!
God loves you and me just as we are and is willing to help us erase the effects of past mistakes if we will return to Him in true repentance, communion and prayer.
In the process of our spiritual growth, let us not be hard on ourselves for past shortcomings on wisdom and good judgment, but make a decision to rise up from self-criticism and condemnation. The Bible says that “there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ.”
Brotherly love begins with you and me loving ourselves as God loves us. Lift up your heart to God’s love and as you receive, share it with others as best you can, thereby expanding your horizons and increasing your good. And to the extent you are open and receptive to the love of God is the extent you are able to love others unconditionally.
Help me Lord, to accept your divine love and express that love to others in kindly thoughts, words and actions. Thank you Father.
Suggested Readings: Psalm 133:1, Isaiah 43:18-19, Matthew 22:37-40.
Ask about the workbook, “Breaking Through the Barriers” by Monica Hernandez. This book can be a helpful resource to you in overcoming fear, anger, worry and anxiety and other hurdles in your life.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Questions You Wanted to Ask - One
by Monica Hernandez
We cannot deny that throughout our lives, perplexing issues arise in our everyday living and we find ourselves faced with questions about God, the Bible, and life in general.
Over the years, I have been asked many questions during my Bible classes, circa 1984 - 2002, also in response to my radio broadcast "The Revealing Word." I am sharing these with the hope that the answers given will inspire you further on the topic in question. Maybe, in your heart, you have some questions too.
The questions and answers are many and will be given in a series, not necessarily every week but as time permits to retrieve them from the archives and present them to you. And to each question and answer, appropriate Scriptures are suggested for your reading and meditation.
Keep visiting this blog often, and feel free to make some comments and ask some questions as well. You might ask your questions either by posting in the comment section on the post or contacting me directly at: monica@newvisionministry.org.
This one comes from a listener to "The Revealing Word" after a given message on trusting God.
I prayed to God about a business transaction and the Lord told me the direction I should take but that turned out to be not at all favourable. How can I trust Him in the future?
I am sorry to hear things did not work out well or at least in the way you expected them to. I do not have all the answers to God’s ways and His thoughts but I do know that He answers prayer, even if that answer is: “No” with or without an explanation.
At other times, not only do we not get answers but things go awry - the opposite way. However, there has to be a lesson or two you learned from it that can be helpful to you in the future. Even when things do not work out the way we want, God never leaves us empty-handed. He gives us counsel in some way, shape or form that helps us.
God promises to answer our prayers, but many times our problem is that we pray amiss, not in the will of God (not in rightness of thinking) and answers to prayer are either seemingly unanswered or delayed, or the answers go totally the other way. These are the times we have to question ourselves about the validity of our prayers.
Another thing of importance, did you really hear from God? Sometimes we think we hear from God and we have only heard from ourselves and begin to act on those directives. It is not every answer we get from within is correct and some causes for that can be that we pray without a focus - just aimlessly. At other times an unfavourable answer is because we pray amiss and receive not, meaning sometimes our prayers are contrary to God’s truth and fairness to other people.
To pray well, it must be in the revealed directives of God and in humility for a contrite and humble heart God will not despise for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Also, we must have our prayers dominated by the Spirit for we know not how to pray as we ought.
Nevertheless, your disappointment should not prevent you from reaching out to God again in faith after examining yourself concerning your prayer request. Ask yourself whether your request is legally and morally right and that the expected answer is fair to you and others concerned. And again, trust him to deliver.
Suggested Readings: Jeremiah 29:11; James 4:3.
Thought for Today: God hears and answers prayer.
We cannot deny that throughout our lives, perplexing issues arise in our everyday living and we find ourselves faced with questions about God, the Bible, and life in general.
Over the years, I have been asked many questions during my Bible classes, circa 1984 - 2002, also in response to my radio broadcast "The Revealing Word." I am sharing these with the hope that the answers given will inspire you further on the topic in question. Maybe, in your heart, you have some questions too.
The questions and answers are many and will be given in a series, not necessarily every week but as time permits to retrieve them from the archives and present them to you. And to each question and answer, appropriate Scriptures are suggested for your reading and meditation.
Keep visiting this blog often, and feel free to make some comments and ask some questions as well. You might ask your questions either by posting in the comment section on the post or contacting me directly at: monica@newvisionministry.org.
This one comes from a listener to "The Revealing Word" after a given message on trusting God.
I prayed to God about a business transaction and the Lord told me the direction I should take but that turned out to be not at all favourable. How can I trust Him in the future?
I am sorry to hear things did not work out well or at least in the way you expected them to. I do not have all the answers to God’s ways and His thoughts but I do know that He answers prayer, even if that answer is: “No” with or without an explanation.
At other times, not only do we not get answers but things go awry - the opposite way. However, there has to be a lesson or two you learned from it that can be helpful to you in the future. Even when things do not work out the way we want, God never leaves us empty-handed. He gives us counsel in some way, shape or form that helps us.
God promises to answer our prayers, but many times our problem is that we pray amiss, not in the will of God (not in rightness of thinking) and answers to prayer are either seemingly unanswered or delayed, or the answers go totally the other way. These are the times we have to question ourselves about the validity of our prayers.
Another thing of importance, did you really hear from God? Sometimes we think we hear from God and we have only heard from ourselves and begin to act on those directives. It is not every answer we get from within is correct and some causes for that can be that we pray without a focus - just aimlessly. At other times an unfavourable answer is because we pray amiss and receive not, meaning sometimes our prayers are contrary to God’s truth and fairness to other people.
To pray well, it must be in the revealed directives of God and in humility for a contrite and humble heart God will not despise for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Also, we must have our prayers dominated by the Spirit for we know not how to pray as we ought.
Nevertheless, your disappointment should not prevent you from reaching out to God again in faith after examining yourself concerning your prayer request. Ask yourself whether your request is legally and morally right and that the expected answer is fair to you and others concerned. And again, trust him to deliver.
Suggested Readings: Jeremiah 29:11; James 4:3.
Thought for Today: God hears and answers prayer.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
About My Father's Business
by Monica Hernandez
It was on a Friday evening in November at two minutes to six o’clock that my friend Sylvie phoned and invited me to an intercessors’ prayer gathering to take place at her home in the next hour and a half. The evening was cold, wet and dark, a perfect one to be at home all warm and cozy, and going out was nowhere in my mind.
I accepted Sylvie’s invitation and as I hung up the phone, I felt it was only she who could get me out of my house on such an evening, and at such short notice. However, I reasoned within myself that Sylvie is a faithful friend and supporter in my ministry and I should go.
As I made myself ready to leave the house, my thoughts raced on many things. My thoughts dwelt heavily on how it was a sacrifice to be going out on such a wet night, but then again I thought, this sacrifice of my time and comfort was in no way compared to Jesus’ sacrifice and comfort for me.
And from the depth of my being I was reminded of the Scripture: “...wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” Then I reasoned that this call to pray must be “about my Father’s business.”
When I arrived at Sylvie’s home, there were three other women present and together we spent a couple hours, storming heaven for our homes, our families, our government, schools, teachers, and the troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Like the biblical event in the Upper Room, we were in one accord and we knew that God heard our voices in prayer and would use them for His glory, in His timing. It was a fulfilling task.
As we finished our prayer session, and were about to leave, one of the women echoed my earlier thought. She said: “Never mind the weather, this is a divine appointment and as intercessors, we must be about our Father’s business...” I was stunned at her words. I felt a response in my spirit and I recognized her words as a confirmation of my thoughts and feelings before I left my house.
Then I knew that going to the prayer gathering was not at all about Sylvie’s call and my choice but the Lord’s doing, calling me to join others in prayer. I felt a deeper understanding that prayer intercession is “my Father’s business” and as an intercessor, I must be obedient to His call.
On my way home, reflecting on the prayer needs we interceded for, I wondered: “Was it Sylvie who got me out of my house on this cold, wet night to a time of prayer or was it Jesus?” And I recognized that the Lord often tests us for obedience and blesses us later with an understanding of His ways.
Dear God, help us all to be obedient to your call and follow your directions.
SUGGESTED READINGS: Luke 2:49; John 16:23-24; James 5:16.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: God’s testing us for obedience stretches our understanding.
Coming soon: "Questions You Wanted to Ask." This is a collection of questions I have been asked over several years in “The Revealing Word Bible Class” about the Bible and life in general, and the answers given. Keep visiting this blog and watch for it.
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of Christ in your life. Send an email prayer@newvisionministry.org. Your request will be placed on our prayer-list for forty days.
It was on a Friday evening in November at two minutes to six o’clock that my friend Sylvie phoned and invited me to an intercessors’ prayer gathering to take place at her home in the next hour and a half. The evening was cold, wet and dark, a perfect one to be at home all warm and cozy, and going out was nowhere in my mind.
I accepted Sylvie’s invitation and as I hung up the phone, I felt it was only she who could get me out of my house on such an evening, and at such short notice. However, I reasoned within myself that Sylvie is a faithful friend and supporter in my ministry and I should go.
As I made myself ready to leave the house, my thoughts raced on many things. My thoughts dwelt heavily on how it was a sacrifice to be going out on such a wet night, but then again I thought, this sacrifice of my time and comfort was in no way compared to Jesus’ sacrifice and comfort for me.
And from the depth of my being I was reminded of the Scripture: “...wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” Then I reasoned that this call to pray must be “about my Father’s business.”
When I arrived at Sylvie’s home, there were three other women present and together we spent a couple hours, storming heaven for our homes, our families, our government, schools, teachers, and the troops in Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Like the biblical event in the Upper Room, we were in one accord and we knew that God heard our voices in prayer and would use them for His glory, in His timing. It was a fulfilling task.
As we finished our prayer session, and were about to leave, one of the women echoed my earlier thought. She said: “Never mind the weather, this is a divine appointment and as intercessors, we must be about our Father’s business...” I was stunned at her words. I felt a response in my spirit and I recognized her words as a confirmation of my thoughts and feelings before I left my house.
Then I knew that going to the prayer gathering was not at all about Sylvie’s call and my choice but the Lord’s doing, calling me to join others in prayer. I felt a deeper understanding that prayer intercession is “my Father’s business” and as an intercessor, I must be obedient to His call.
On my way home, reflecting on the prayer needs we interceded for, I wondered: “Was it Sylvie who got me out of my house on this cold, wet night to a time of prayer or was it Jesus?” And I recognized that the Lord often tests us for obedience and blesses us later with an understanding of His ways.
Dear God, help us all to be obedient to your call and follow your directions.
SUGGESTED READINGS: Luke 2:49; John 16:23-24; James 5:16.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: God’s testing us for obedience stretches our understanding.
Coming soon: "Questions You Wanted to Ask." This is a collection of questions I have been asked over several years in “The Revealing Word Bible Class” about the Bible and life in general, and the answers given. Keep visiting this blog and watch for it.
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of Christ in your life. Send an email prayer@newvisionministry.org. Your request will be placed on our prayer-list for forty days.
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Prayer of Jabez
by Monica Hernandez
Many of us have read Bruce Wilkinson’s bestseller “The Prayer of Jabez” and have been inspired by it. And turning to the Scriptures we read: “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me” (1 Chronicles 4:10, KJV). Here Jabez is making a simple request to God, asking for what is already his, and the Scriptures say that God granted Jabez that which he requested.
What is so remarkable about this prayer? It is a simple plea, concise and uplifting, directed to God, with no reference to vengeance on his enemies or bemoaning his plight. This indicates that Jabez was well grounded and balanced in thought, words and understanding, and is a fine example for us to follow.
Analysis of this faith-filled prayer shows that it addresses three of our most basic needs: (1) prosperity, (2) the hand of God in our lives, and (3) the grace of God to keep us from evil that we might not be hurt.
Asking for prosperity is simply asking God to release that which is ours for He has given to each of us a portion, and it is divine. Asking for the hand of God in our lives is simply asking for His rule, power and wisdom because He sees and knows how all things must work. And asking that God keep us from evil that we might not be hurt is the same as the ending of the prayer Jesus gave to His disciples - that which we call the Lord’s prayer.
Is it selfish to ask the Lord to “enlarge your coast?” No, not at all. It is more selfish not to pray for others or not to share our prosperity with others, than it is to ask the Lord to prosper us, for prosperity is our heritage. Jesus taught that “we must ask, seek and knock and we will receive, find and have the door opened to us.”
The Scriptures also teach that “we receive not because we ask not...” and “delight thyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”
The Prayer of Jabez is a statement of humility, recognizing that God is All-Power and the Giver of all things, spiritual and material, thus giving glory unto God.
Thank God, He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift and there is more than enough of every good thing in the Kingdom of heaven for everyone on this earth.
Suggested Readings: 1 Chronicles 4:10; Matthew 6:9-13; Matthew 7:7-8.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: God is my Source for all things spiritual and material.
Coming soon: "Questions You Wanted to Ask." This is a collection of questions I have been asked over several years in “The Revealing Word Bible Class” about the Bible and life in general, and the answers given. Keep visiting this blog and watch for it.
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of Christ in your life. Email prayer@newvisionministry.org. Your request will be placed on our prayer-list for forty days.
Many of us have read Bruce Wilkinson’s bestseller “The Prayer of Jabez” and have been inspired by it. And turning to the Scriptures we read: “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me” (1 Chronicles 4:10, KJV). Here Jabez is making a simple request to God, asking for what is already his, and the Scriptures say that God granted Jabez that which he requested.
What is so remarkable about this prayer? It is a simple plea, concise and uplifting, directed to God, with no reference to vengeance on his enemies or bemoaning his plight. This indicates that Jabez was well grounded and balanced in thought, words and understanding, and is a fine example for us to follow.
Analysis of this faith-filled prayer shows that it addresses three of our most basic needs: (1) prosperity, (2) the hand of God in our lives, and (3) the grace of God to keep us from evil that we might not be hurt.
Asking for prosperity is simply asking God to release that which is ours for He has given to each of us a portion, and it is divine. Asking for the hand of God in our lives is simply asking for His rule, power and wisdom because He sees and knows how all things must work. And asking that God keep us from evil that we might not be hurt is the same as the ending of the prayer Jesus gave to His disciples - that which we call the Lord’s prayer.
Is it selfish to ask the Lord to “enlarge your coast?” No, not at all. It is more selfish not to pray for others or not to share our prosperity with others, than it is to ask the Lord to prosper us, for prosperity is our heritage. Jesus taught that “we must ask, seek and knock and we will receive, find and have the door opened to us.”
The Scriptures also teach that “we receive not because we ask not...” and “delight thyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”
The Prayer of Jabez is a statement of humility, recognizing that God is All-Power and the Giver of all things, spiritual and material, thus giving glory unto God.
Thank God, He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift and there is more than enough of every good thing in the Kingdom of heaven for everyone on this earth.
Suggested Readings: 1 Chronicles 4:10; Matthew 6:9-13; Matthew 7:7-8.
THOUGHT FOR TODAY: God is my Source for all things spiritual and material.
Coming soon: "Questions You Wanted to Ask." This is a collection of questions I have been asked over several years in “The Revealing Word Bible Class” about the Bible and life in general, and the answers given. Keep visiting this blog and watch for it.
Are you facing challenges? In need of prayer support? Send us an email about your prayer needs and we will come into agreement with you for the wonder-working power of Christ in your life. Email prayer@newvisionministry.org. Your request will be placed on our prayer-list for forty days.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Words That Touch the Heart
by Monica Hernandez
“To be happy, to possess eternal life, to be in God, to be saved - all these are the same. All alike mean the solution of the problem, the aim of existence. And happiness is cumulative, as misery may be. An eternal growth is an unchangeable peace, an ever more profound depth of understanding, a possession constantly more intense and more spiritual with the joy of heaven - this is happiness. Happiness has no limits.”
—Henri Frédéric Amiel (1821 - 1881), Swiss philosopher
The Bible: “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
“Be neither the slave of your impulses and sensations of the moment, nor of an abstract and general plan; be open to what life brings from within and without, and welcome the unforeseen, and give to your life unity, and bring the unforeseen within the lines of your plan. Let what is natural in you raise itself to the level of the spiritual, and let the spiritual become once more natural. Thus will your development be harmonious.”
—Henri Frédéric Amiel (1821 - 1881), Swiss philosopher
The Bible: “Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength”
“Whenever conscience speaks with a divided, uncertain, and disputed voice, it is not yet the voice of God. Descend still deeper into yourself, until you hear nothing but a clear and undivided voice, a voice which does away with doubt and brings with it persuasion, light and serenity. Happy, says the apostle, are they who are at peace with themselves, and whose heart condemns them not in the part they take.”
—Henri Frédéric Amiel (1821 - 1881), Swiss philosopher
The Bible: “...But the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”
Suggested Readings: 1 Kings 19:12; Proverbs 8:14; Matthew 16:26.
Thought for Today: God speaks to His servants in various ways.
“To be happy, to possess eternal life, to be in God, to be saved - all these are the same. All alike mean the solution of the problem, the aim of existence. And happiness is cumulative, as misery may be. An eternal growth is an unchangeable peace, an ever more profound depth of understanding, a possession constantly more intense and more spiritual with the joy of heaven - this is happiness. Happiness has no limits.”
—Henri Frédéric Amiel (1821 - 1881), Swiss philosopher
The Bible: “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
“Be neither the slave of your impulses and sensations of the moment, nor of an abstract and general plan; be open to what life brings from within and without, and welcome the unforeseen, and give to your life unity, and bring the unforeseen within the lines of your plan. Let what is natural in you raise itself to the level of the spiritual, and let the spiritual become once more natural. Thus will your development be harmonious.”
—Henri Frédéric Amiel (1821 - 1881), Swiss philosopher
The Bible: “Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength”
“Whenever conscience speaks with a divided, uncertain, and disputed voice, it is not yet the voice of God. Descend still deeper into yourself, until you hear nothing but a clear and undivided voice, a voice which does away with doubt and brings with it persuasion, light and serenity. Happy, says the apostle, are they who are at peace with themselves, and whose heart condemns them not in the part they take.”
—Henri Frédéric Amiel (1821 - 1881), Swiss philosopher
The Bible: “...But the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”
Suggested Readings: 1 Kings 19:12; Proverbs 8:14; Matthew 16:26.
Thought for Today: God speaks to His servants in various ways.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Examine Your Heart
by Monica Hernandez
Yesterday, I visited a church in the city’s East end for the first time and had a memorable experience. The pastor gave a special welcome to people visiting from other churches, and announced that it was Communion Sunday, and visitors were welcome to partake of the Lord’s Supper as long as they knew Jesus. His admonition was: “Examine your heart...” and went on to explain.
His points for examination of the heart were: “Do you know Jesus? What does Jesus mean to you? Is He living in your heart? Is He your all-in-all? Is He leading your life? Are you walking in and with Him? Do you regard Him as the second Person of the Holy Trinity? Do you regard Him as the Son of God? In short, is He your Lord and Saviour?”
He continued: “If you can answer all these questions in an affirmative way, you can partake of these Communion emblems, whether you belong to this church or another Christian church." And he further commented: "There is only one Church, with our Lord, Jesus Christ as the Head, but several denominations within it.”
I felt touched. I was much impressed with the pastor’s words and reflected on the times several years ago, when I held church and did the Communion service. I simply spoke a word of blessing upon the bread and wine and had them distributed to the congregation. I hadn’t given that extra focus on a relationship with Jesus.
This pastor’s words prompted me to a deeper appreciation of the oneness of the Lord’s church, which is all about Jesus – who He was, is and forever will be, what He did, and the abundant life He came to bring.
I remembered Jesus' words to His disciples at the Last Supper: “...this do in remembrance of me.” and what better way to remember Him than to remember the things He did and said as recorded, and remember that He is always with us?
Are you worthy of partaking of the Lord’s Supper at any church, if allowed by that church? It is a relationship with the Head of the Church that matters. Examine your heart and if you are walking “in and with Christ” you are worthy to sup with Him.
Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:24-28.
Yesterday, I visited a church in the city’s East end for the first time and had a memorable experience. The pastor gave a special welcome to people visiting from other churches, and announced that it was Communion Sunday, and visitors were welcome to partake of the Lord’s Supper as long as they knew Jesus. His admonition was: “Examine your heart...” and went on to explain.
His points for examination of the heart were: “Do you know Jesus? What does Jesus mean to you? Is He living in your heart? Is He your all-in-all? Is He leading your life? Are you walking in and with Him? Do you regard Him as the second Person of the Holy Trinity? Do you regard Him as the Son of God? In short, is He your Lord and Saviour?”
He continued: “If you can answer all these questions in an affirmative way, you can partake of these Communion emblems, whether you belong to this church or another Christian church." And he further commented: "There is only one Church, with our Lord, Jesus Christ as the Head, but several denominations within it.”
I felt touched. I was much impressed with the pastor’s words and reflected on the times several years ago, when I held church and did the Communion service. I simply spoke a word of blessing upon the bread and wine and had them distributed to the congregation. I hadn’t given that extra focus on a relationship with Jesus.
This pastor’s words prompted me to a deeper appreciation of the oneness of the Lord’s church, which is all about Jesus – who He was, is and forever will be, what He did, and the abundant life He came to bring.
I remembered Jesus' words to His disciples at the Last Supper: “...this do in remembrance of me.” and what better way to remember Him than to remember the things He did and said as recorded, and remember that He is always with us?
Are you worthy of partaking of the Lord’s Supper at any church, if allowed by that church? It is a relationship with the Head of the Church that matters. Examine your heart and if you are walking “in and with Christ” you are worthy to sup with Him.
Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:24-28.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Day of Rejoicing
by Monica Hernandez
This is a day of rejoicing. Yesterday, President Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America. Billions of people around the world were at their television sets, eyes fixed on every move of the Obamas, and absorbing every spoken word.
Obama spoke meaningful messages of hope that can fan the flames of inspiration in our hearts, whether on a national or personal level. For example his motto: “Yes, we can” can be an inspiration to young people and even the not so young, everywhere. And his words: “We have chosen hope over fear...” are powerful.
As I viewed the inauguration of President Obama, and watched the diversity of races of people the world over, rejoicing at his success and promises of economic change for America, I thought of Jesus’ promises of spiritual change at His second coming, when “...every eye shall see him...” Will it be as joyful as Obama’s presidency? And exciting? And hopeful for change? I believe it very well will be. What do you think?
We have a promised day of rejoicing when we see Jesus coming in the clouds. It is a time for complete transformation and joy as we move into His millennial reign with Him. It is our blessed hope for change, peace and harmony. It is a time to hang our hopes upon, even today.
Suggested Readings: Daniel 7:13; Revelation 1:7.
This is a day of rejoicing. Yesterday, President Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America. Billions of people around the world were at their television sets, eyes fixed on every move of the Obamas, and absorbing every spoken word.
Obama spoke meaningful messages of hope that can fan the flames of inspiration in our hearts, whether on a national or personal level. For example his motto: “Yes, we can” can be an inspiration to young people and even the not so young, everywhere. And his words: “We have chosen hope over fear...” are powerful.
As I viewed the inauguration of President Obama, and watched the diversity of races of people the world over, rejoicing at his success and promises of economic change for America, I thought of Jesus’ promises of spiritual change at His second coming, when “...every eye shall see him...” Will it be as joyful as Obama’s presidency? And exciting? And hopeful for change? I believe it very well will be. What do you think?
We have a promised day of rejoicing when we see Jesus coming in the clouds. It is a time for complete transformation and joy as we move into His millennial reign with Him. It is our blessed hope for change, peace and harmony. It is a time to hang our hopes upon, even today.
Suggested Readings: Daniel 7:13; Revelation 1:7.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
How Time Flies!
by Monica Hernandez
Today, I celebrate another year-cycle on planet earth; it is my birthday. Wanting to get as much as possible out of today, I awoke early—6:00 am. to be exact. And though I did not accomplish anything spectacular, it was a great day. I believe this was my most well-wished birthday for a long time.
Have you ever wondered at how our birthdays keep piling up on us and we cannot hold them back? It seems to me like it was just a few weeks ago that I was up for birthday wishes, e-cards and all, and here it is again today. And as the birthday wishes, phone calls, flowers and gifts poured in, I reflected on time and how it flies.
Have you ever wondered about time and how it flies? Time does its own thing. We cannot control it, tame it, or hold it back. We cannot put a finger on it. And about our birthdays, we cannot say to time: “Not this year, please...hold this birthday back. I am not ready...I will sit this one out.”
Sometimes, as we watch the years piling up on us, we ask the question: “What is time?” And today, as I thought about time and how it flies, I was reminded of these words by St. Augustine: “What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.”
About time, Charles Dickens once commented: “Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all...his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes.” True.
When I asked my husband for his take on time, he said: “Time waits for no one, you know that.” That too, is true.
Terry, my nephew, phoned in from Germany with birthday greetings for me and he surely made my day. His take on time was this: “Time is the longest thing we have” and “It is better that time flies and not stand still.” Talk about wisdom! Truly, if time stood still, there would be no life. I never thought of that.
I have heard people say that God is partial. People often say this when they consider how some are rich while others are poor. However, concerning time, it flies for everyone and birthdays? This is one area where people cannot say God is partial—the rich and poor, all have to get older as the weeks and months, and years go by.
While it is customary to make resolutions at the time of the New Year, I find it more appropriate to make resolutions on my birthday. It is a new year-cycle and I find significance in setting my thoughts in order at this time. Today, as I reflected on the past year of my life, making up a sum-total, I realize how many of my personal goals have been accomplished and some dreams came true. And I thank God for that.
God has been good, and I thank Him for life, health, strength, courage, family and all He has done through my life this past year and I look forward to a new year, again filled with God's best, beginning today.
Suggested Readings: Psalm 90:12; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
Today, I celebrate another year-cycle on planet earth; it is my birthday. Wanting to get as much as possible out of today, I awoke early—6:00 am. to be exact. And though I did not accomplish anything spectacular, it was a great day. I believe this was my most well-wished birthday for a long time.
Have you ever wondered at how our birthdays keep piling up on us and we cannot hold them back? It seems to me like it was just a few weeks ago that I was up for birthday wishes, e-cards and all, and here it is again today. And as the birthday wishes, phone calls, flowers and gifts poured in, I reflected on time and how it flies.
Have you ever wondered about time and how it flies? Time does its own thing. We cannot control it, tame it, or hold it back. We cannot put a finger on it. And about our birthdays, we cannot say to time: “Not this year, please...hold this birthday back. I am not ready...I will sit this one out.”
Sometimes, as we watch the years piling up on us, we ask the question: “What is time?” And today, as I thought about time and how it flies, I was reminded of these words by St. Augustine: “What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.”
About time, Charles Dickens once commented: “Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all...his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes.” True.
When I asked my husband for his take on time, he said: “Time waits for no one, you know that.” That too, is true.
Terry, my nephew, phoned in from Germany with birthday greetings for me and he surely made my day. His take on time was this: “Time is the longest thing we have” and “It is better that time flies and not stand still.” Talk about wisdom! Truly, if time stood still, there would be no life. I never thought of that.
I have heard people say that God is partial. People often say this when they consider how some are rich while others are poor. However, concerning time, it flies for everyone and birthdays? This is one area where people cannot say God is partial—the rich and poor, all have to get older as the weeks and months, and years go by.
While it is customary to make resolutions at the time of the New Year, I find it more appropriate to make resolutions on my birthday. It is a new year-cycle and I find significance in setting my thoughts in order at this time. Today, as I reflected on the past year of my life, making up a sum-total, I realize how many of my personal goals have been accomplished and some dreams came true. And I thank God for that.
God has been good, and I thank Him for life, health, strength, courage, family and all He has done through my life this past year and I look forward to a new year, again filled with God's best, beginning today.
Suggested Readings: Psalm 90:12; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Fine Art of Letting Go
by Monica Hernandez
Do you have problems in letting go the issues that trouble you? I have discovered that one of the biggest challenges we face after we have sought God’s counsel for solving a problem is to let go that issue to Him. However, I have also discovered there is a fine art in letting go and was blessed to learn the secret.
When we are troubled, our human nature tends to hold on to that problem, running negative scenarios over and over in our minds, and though we might pray, we have the tendency to dictate to God the way the solution should come. However, regardless of how we think, God will answer, in any of His manifold ways and in His own timing. I have found that what we need to do after seeking His counsel in a matter is to let it go and let Him perform His wonders for us.
What is it that makes us hold on to a problem after we have sought God about it? It is anxiety and the human need to be always in control. Yet, holding on to the problem causes not only anxiety but fear, and it encourages doubt. That pesky situation seems to keep us tied as though to a stake and we often do not remember that not only we ought to let it go but that we have the capacity to do it.
Letting go to God is not a passive occurrence as some people might think, but a positive choice after one has obeyed the Scripture: “Ask, seek and knock...” This does not mean that we are to live aimlessly, but it means that because we have asked, we are to know we will receive, and because we know we will receive, we can afford to let go the problem. It means that instead of inventing our own solutions, we ask, seek and knock, and make ourselves ready to receive God’s best: His solution and insights from His Spirit to our inner-spirit.
When we do not let go to God we are saying in essence that He does not know our needs and desires, and that He does not know how to fulfil them, even if we told Him. To sum it all up, it means that we are doubting the power of God.
Letting go a problem might be easier said than done, except you know the secret
of the art of letting go. And the secret is to treat the pesky situation like you treat a letter that you put into the mailbox—just let it go!
Think for a moment. When you go to the mailbox to send a letter, do you hold on to it? You cannot mail the letter, yet hold on to it. You just have to let it go! Just the same, when you send a request to God, instead of holding on to it and trying to fix the problem yourself, you can refrain from holding on to it, and thinking how it will be solved.
The Scriptures say: "Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered..." (Psalm 68:1). You can let go your problem and let God arise into the situation and work through it for you.
There is a fine art in letting go our concerns to God and it is three-fold: (1) ask, seek and knock on God’s door about the problem, (2) speak a word of release of the problem, and (3) surrender the solution to the wisdom of God.
In this moment, you can resolve to let go and let God perform His perfect work in your life and affairs, knowing that all things work together for good to them that love Him. You can trust Him to uphold you, making your way safe and successful. You can rest in God for underneath are His everlasting arms.
What problems in your life are you holding on to, trying to fix them in your own strength? The following poem by an unknown author tells it all:
Let Go and Let God
As children bring their broken toys, with tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God, but then...
Instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone,
I came around and tried to help with ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back again and cried:
“How could you be so slow!”
“My child” He said: “What could I do, you never did let go...”
—Author unknown
Suggested Readings: Deuteronomy 33:27, Psalm 37:3-8, Proverbs 3:5.
Ask about the workbook: “Breaking Through the Barriers” by Dr. Hernandez. This book can be a helpful resource to you in overcoming fear, worry and anxiety, guilt and other negative emotions. Telephone (416) 744-9745 or send an email to drmhernandez@newvisionministry.org.
Do you have problems in letting go the issues that trouble you? I have discovered that one of the biggest challenges we face after we have sought God’s counsel for solving a problem is to let go that issue to Him. However, I have also discovered there is a fine art in letting go and was blessed to learn the secret.
When we are troubled, our human nature tends to hold on to that problem, running negative scenarios over and over in our minds, and though we might pray, we have the tendency to dictate to God the way the solution should come. However, regardless of how we think, God will answer, in any of His manifold ways and in His own timing. I have found that what we need to do after seeking His counsel in a matter is to let it go and let Him perform His wonders for us.
What is it that makes us hold on to a problem after we have sought God about it? It is anxiety and the human need to be always in control. Yet, holding on to the problem causes not only anxiety but fear, and it encourages doubt. That pesky situation seems to keep us tied as though to a stake and we often do not remember that not only we ought to let it go but that we have the capacity to do it.
Letting go to God is not a passive occurrence as some people might think, but a positive choice after one has obeyed the Scripture: “Ask, seek and knock...” This does not mean that we are to live aimlessly, but it means that because we have asked, we are to know we will receive, and because we know we will receive, we can afford to let go the problem. It means that instead of inventing our own solutions, we ask, seek and knock, and make ourselves ready to receive God’s best: His solution and insights from His Spirit to our inner-spirit.
When we do not let go to God we are saying in essence that He does not know our needs and desires, and that He does not know how to fulfil them, even if we told Him. To sum it all up, it means that we are doubting the power of God.
Letting go a problem might be easier said than done, except you know the secret
of the art of letting go. And the secret is to treat the pesky situation like you treat a letter that you put into the mailbox—just let it go!
Think for a moment. When you go to the mailbox to send a letter, do you hold on to it? You cannot mail the letter, yet hold on to it. You just have to let it go! Just the same, when you send a request to God, instead of holding on to it and trying to fix the problem yourself, you can refrain from holding on to it, and thinking how it will be solved.
The Scriptures say: "Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered..." (Psalm 68:1). You can let go your problem and let God arise into the situation and work through it for you.
There is a fine art in letting go our concerns to God and it is three-fold: (1) ask, seek and knock on God’s door about the problem, (2) speak a word of release of the problem, and (3) surrender the solution to the wisdom of God.
In this moment, you can resolve to let go and let God perform His perfect work in your life and affairs, knowing that all things work together for good to them that love Him. You can trust Him to uphold you, making your way safe and successful. You can rest in God for underneath are His everlasting arms.
What problems in your life are you holding on to, trying to fix them in your own strength? The following poem by an unknown author tells it all:
Let Go and Let God
As children bring their broken toys, with tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God, but then...
Instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone,
I came around and tried to help with ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back again and cried:
“How could you be so slow!”
“My child” He said: “What could I do, you never did let go...”
—Author unknown
Suggested Readings: Deuteronomy 33:27, Psalm 37:3-8, Proverbs 3:5.
Ask about the workbook: “Breaking Through the Barriers” by Dr. Hernandez. This book can be a helpful resource to you in overcoming fear, worry and anxiety, guilt and other negative emotions. Telephone (416) 744-9745 or send an email to drmhernandez@newvisionministry.org.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Create Balance In Your Life This Year
by Monica Hernandez
Is your life hectic? Are you overwhelmed by obligations, keeping abreast with career and the changing times, juggling priorities, and striving to honour appointments? Whatever your occupation, this busyness is the nature of current times in this society and we all fall prey to it.
Yet, as we begin to think carefully, we see that our busyness all stems from a sense of being in control of our lives, rather than from an understanding that we are owned by God (Psalm 100) and He will lead us into more harmonious ways to fulfill His plans.
However, it is not too late in the new year to make resolution to create balance in your life by savouring God’s presence and the soundness of His leading. Trust me, this counsel is not only for you but for me as well, because I too, am guilty of multi-tasking and being overwhelmed.
Though we might seem overwhelmed by our activities and each one seems just as important as the other, and we want to do them all, we can bring order out of chaos and balance into our every day affairs. We can bring balance into our lives when we recognize that we are creatures not only of body, but of soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit as well, and need to give attention to all aspects of our being.
In the latter part of last year, I found myself being very busy in the outer realm of life, with writing projects, counselling people, and teaching classes, among other tasks—far too busy and not maintaining my devotional life like I am used to. My sense of connection with God was brittle. I would lie awake at nights, feeling tense, irritable and being flooded with past memories that were not at all pleasant. In other words, my life was not in balance. I was not at peace.
One night, as I lay awake in bed, I was reminded of Jesus’ teaching on the true value of life versus the possessing of an abundance of things in the natural realm (I believe this includes overworking too). He was teaching about the need to recognize our spiritual lives and maintain a balance between that and our natural lives. This indicates that there is more to life that ordinarily meets the eye.
It was not long before my thoughts shifted to Psalm 100 which says that we did not make ourselves and belong to God, and I began to take stock of my devotional life. When last did I meditate in the Word? When last did I spend quality time in the Word and speak it into my life and affairs? And I recognized that it was longer than was good for me.
We hear a lot these days about maintaining a balanced diet—don’t we? But not much about doing the same with our spiritual diet, for example, partaking of the nature of Christ through His words, and appropriating them into our lives so that our spiritual immune system can be strong, and avoid the attacks of destructive forces.
When we maintain a balanced diet and physical fitness, we develop strong bodies and an immune system that wards off illness. Just the same, when we maintain a balanced spiritual diet and spiritual fitness, we develop a strong immunity that wards off many troubles and nuisances in our lives. How do we maintain a balanced spiritual diet? By appropriating spiritual truths into our being, in faith. This practice is very similar to the eating of food.
In balancing our lives, four important principles stand out: (1) time management, (2) re-thinking our priorities, (3) nurturing spiritual values, and (4) building spiritual discipline to follow through.
King Solomon taught that “there is a time for every purpose: a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to break down and a time to build up; a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones; a time to rend and a time to sew; a time to keep silence and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3). And these are just a few of the examples he gave.
I will add this one: there is a time for busyness and there is a time for relaxation and smelling the roses.
Take time to pause and reflect on the following words of an anonymous writer who took time to give us “Take Time...”
“Take Time...”
Take time to work...It is the price of success.
Take time to think...It is the source of power.
Take time to play...It is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read...It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to be friendly...It is the road to happiness.
Take time to laugh...It is the music of the heart.
Take time to love and be loved...It is a God-given privilege.
Take time to share...It is too short a life to be selfish.
Take time to dream...It is hitching your wagon to a star.
Take time to pray...It is the greatest power on earth
—Author unknown
And may I add my two cents’ worth? Take time to talk with God often, and when you do, take time to listen; He has much to say. Also, take time to create balance in your life this year.
Suggested Readings: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Psalm 127:1; Luke 12:15; Ephesians 5:18-19.
Is your life hectic? Are you overwhelmed by obligations, keeping abreast with career and the changing times, juggling priorities, and striving to honour appointments? Whatever your occupation, this busyness is the nature of current times in this society and we all fall prey to it.
Yet, as we begin to think carefully, we see that our busyness all stems from a sense of being in control of our lives, rather than from an understanding that we are owned by God (Psalm 100) and He will lead us into more harmonious ways to fulfill His plans.
However, it is not too late in the new year to make resolution to create balance in your life by savouring God’s presence and the soundness of His leading. Trust me, this counsel is not only for you but for me as well, because I too, am guilty of multi-tasking and being overwhelmed.
Though we might seem overwhelmed by our activities and each one seems just as important as the other, and we want to do them all, we can bring order out of chaos and balance into our every day affairs. We can bring balance into our lives when we recognize that we are creatures not only of body, but of soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit as well, and need to give attention to all aspects of our being.
In the latter part of last year, I found myself being very busy in the outer realm of life, with writing projects, counselling people, and teaching classes, among other tasks—far too busy and not maintaining my devotional life like I am used to. My sense of connection with God was brittle. I would lie awake at nights, feeling tense, irritable and being flooded with past memories that were not at all pleasant. In other words, my life was not in balance. I was not at peace.
One night, as I lay awake in bed, I was reminded of Jesus’ teaching on the true value of life versus the possessing of an abundance of things in the natural realm (I believe this includes overworking too). He was teaching about the need to recognize our spiritual lives and maintain a balance between that and our natural lives. This indicates that there is more to life that ordinarily meets the eye.
It was not long before my thoughts shifted to Psalm 100 which says that we did not make ourselves and belong to God, and I began to take stock of my devotional life. When last did I meditate in the Word? When last did I spend quality time in the Word and speak it into my life and affairs? And I recognized that it was longer than was good for me.
We hear a lot these days about maintaining a balanced diet—don’t we? But not much about doing the same with our spiritual diet, for example, partaking of the nature of Christ through His words, and appropriating them into our lives so that our spiritual immune system can be strong, and avoid the attacks of destructive forces.
When we maintain a balanced diet and physical fitness, we develop strong bodies and an immune system that wards off illness. Just the same, when we maintain a balanced spiritual diet and spiritual fitness, we develop a strong immunity that wards off many troubles and nuisances in our lives. How do we maintain a balanced spiritual diet? By appropriating spiritual truths into our being, in faith. This practice is very similar to the eating of food.
In balancing our lives, four important principles stand out: (1) time management, (2) re-thinking our priorities, (3) nurturing spiritual values, and (4) building spiritual discipline to follow through.
King Solomon taught that “there is a time for every purpose: a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to break down and a time to build up; a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones; a time to rend and a time to sew; a time to keep silence and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3). And these are just a few of the examples he gave.
I will add this one: there is a time for busyness and there is a time for relaxation and smelling the roses.
Take time to pause and reflect on the following words of an anonymous writer who took time to give us “Take Time...”
“Take Time...”
Take time to work...It is the price of success.
Take time to think...It is the source of power.
Take time to play...It is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time to read...It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time to be friendly...It is the road to happiness.
Take time to laugh...It is the music of the heart.
Take time to love and be loved...It is a God-given privilege.
Take time to share...It is too short a life to be selfish.
Take time to dream...It is hitching your wagon to a star.
Take time to pray...It is the greatest power on earth
—Author unknown
And may I add my two cents’ worth? Take time to talk with God often, and when you do, take time to listen; He has much to say. Also, take time to create balance in your life this year.
Suggested Readings: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Psalm 127:1; Luke 12:15; Ephesians 5:18-19.
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